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Apprenticeship in France

(BTS - Brevet de Technicien Supérieur)

The "Brevet de Technicien Supérieur" (BTS) is a unique French educational certification that is focused on providing vocational training for students looking to enter specific professions.

Originating in France, the BTS is typically a two-year program that offers specialized courses tailored to a particular career path. Unlike a general bachelor's degree, which covers broad academic subjects and theoretical concepts, a BTS is more concentrated on the practical skills required for a specific job.

Students undergo intense training, often involving internships or apprenticeships, to ensure they're job-ready upon graduation.

Highlights of Program

Equality of Opportunity

Industry Recognition
Immersion in company through apprenticeship
Enrichment through Professional Skills
Recognized BAC +2 Degree
No Tuition Fees (For Year 2 & 3)
Higher pay than Internships
Greater Employability
Direct Employment
Available through Life Course

Programs Offered

Operational Commercial Management

Apprenticeship Offered In

  • Fast Food Restaurants, Local Shops
  • Service Providers, Supermarkets

Professional Education/Role

  • Development of Customer relations
    and sales consultation
  • Animation & enhancement of the
    commercial Offers

Customer Relationship Management

Apprenticeship Options

  • Companies of All Sizes offering goods
    and/or services to both individual
    and professional customers

Professional Education/Role

  • Customer Relations & Sales Negotiation
  • Digitalization
  • Network Animation

Managerial Support

Apprenticeship Offered In

  • PME/PMI - Small Medium Sized
  • Local Authorities, Public Administration

Professional Education/Role

  • Optimization of Administrative Processes
  • Project Management
  • Contribution to HRM

Accounting and Management

Apprenticeship Offered In

  • Accounting Firm
  • Accounting Department of a Company,
    Bank, Insurance

Professional Education/Role

  • Accounting of Commercial Transactions
  • Production of Financial Information
  • Management of Tax Obligations & Social

Small & Medium Sized Business Management

Apprenticeship Offered In

  • Very Small Enterprise
  • Small and Medium Sized Enterprises

Professional Education/Role

  • Customer/Supplier Relation Management
  • Personnel/HR Management in an SME

Selection Process

  • Admission Marketing (India)

  • Registration through the Link on Google Form

  • Eligibility Check & Interview / Assessment

    • GMAT Test (15 Minutes) - Analytical, Writing, Quantitative, Verbal & Reading Skills
    • French Knowledge Test - Effective participation in the course work & communication
  • Interview with an advisor (30 Minutes) - Academic Background, Career Aspirations & Personal Motivation

  • Issue of admission letter from the college

  • Start of French language classes (A1 + A2 + B1)

  • Appearing for B1 Level Examination from Alliance Francaise

  • Visa Compliances & Interview Preparation

  • Pre Departure Orientation & Onboarding in France


Documents Requirement

  • Updated CV 
  • Last Degree & Academic Transcripts Baccalaureate or Level 4 Qualification on RNCP 
  • Proof of Age Profile Summary Letter of Motivation 
  • Registration Form & Fees: ₹10,000

    Language Skills Required

    • Minimum B1 Level in French Language
    • Certification from Alliance Francaise

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