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BTS France - Programs Offered

Brevet de Technicien Supérieur (BTS) programs in France cover a wide range of fields, providing specialized vocational and technical education. The programs are designed to prepare students for specific professions and often include a combination of theoretical coursework and practical training.

Each BTS offers a focused path, ensuring students are well-prepared for the professional world. Whether they choose to dive into work immediately post-BTS or continue their educational journey, they are well-equipped for success.

1. Operational Commercial Management

BTS MCO (Management Commercial Opérationnel)

This curriculum primarily focuses on managing commercial units, customer relations, team management, and merchandising. It equips students with skills to ensure the commercial performance of a store or a commercial unit.

Apprenticeship Contracts/Missions: Students may find themselves overseeing customer relations, performing commercial activities, managing a unit’s operation, or even handling the management of a commercial team.

Potential Jobs Post-BTS: Store manager, sales manager, department manager, e-commerce manager, and customer relations manager.

Potential Bachelor Degrees: A degree in Sales Management, Retail Management, or Business Management would be a logical continuation.

2. Customer Relationship Management

BTS NDRC (Négociation et Digitalisation de la Relation Client)

NDRC imparts knowledge on customer relationship management in the digital age. It covers customer acquisition, distance selling, customer loyalty development, and ecommerce strategies.

Apprenticeship Contracts/Missions: Tasks could range from developing and retaining customers, e-commerce projects, to overseeing client relations both physically and digitally.

Potential Jobs Post-BTS: Business developer, sales representative, e-commerce negotiator, and client manager.

Potential Bachelor Degrees: Degrees in Digital Marketing, E-commerce, or Customer Relations Management align well.

3. Small & Medium Sized Business Management

BTS GPME (Gestion de la PME)

This program equips students with the skills required to manage small and medium enterprises. It covers various aspects, from administrative to commercial, financial, and human resources.

Apprenticeship Contracts/Missions: Students might manage administrative activities, assist in the commercial management of the company, or participate in the financial management of the SME.

Potential Jobs Post-BTS: Administrative and commercial manager of SME, assistant manager, or even an SME project manager.

Potential Bachelor Degrees: A Bachelor's in Business Administration, Human Resources or Entrepreneurship would be suitable.

4. Managerial Support

BTS SAM (Support à l'Action Managériale)

SAM provides skills in managerial support, organization of events, management of information, and decision-making aids. It emphasizes the roles of assistant managers and their vital contributions to various managerial activities.

Apprenticeship Contracts/Missions: The missions may include assisting managers in their daily tasks, organizing meetings/events, or even managing communication both internally and externally.

Potential Jobs Post-BTS: Managerial assistant, administrative coordinator, or executive assistant.

Potential Bachelor Degrees: Bachelor's in Office Management, Business Communication, or Administrative Management would be relevant.

5. Accounting and Management

BTS CG (Comptabilité et Gestion)

The curriculum dives deep into the domains of accounting and management. It encompasses topics like financial accounting, cost accounting, fiscal and social laws, and financial management.

Apprenticeship Contracts/Missions: Tasks often revolve around managing accounts of organizations, financial reporting, or even assisting in budgetary control.

Potential Jobs Post-BTS: Accountant, management controller, payroll manager, or an audit assistant.

Potential Bachelor Degrees: Pursuing a Bachelor's in Accounting, Finance, or Financial Management would be a logical next step.